Article archive
04/06/2017 08:24
Everything old is new again. People once thought the Fountain of Youth flowed in Florida. And, people have flocked there for centuries looking for a dip in the fountain.
Now, revised marijuana regulations offer another incentive for seniors to visit or move to Florida. They wonder if...
04/05/2017 16:34
Employers concerned with recruiting talent, with productive performance, and the safety of their workforce have routinely required medical exams before hiring workers. With the best of motives, they have required testing on employees involved in workplace accidents and injury. And, where...
04/05/2017 16:24
Are potheads doomed to a lonely life? Some ex-partners claim there’s no way a couple will survive when only one of the two smokes weed.
“Pothead” is the operative word here. The total pothead may have a lot of relationship problems. But, marijuana smokers can still enjoy a normal personal,...
04/05/2017 14:49
The Short Guide to Picking the Best Fertilizer for Your Marijuana Plants
Fertilizers feed and nourish plants. Using too much of the wrong thing will curse or kill your plants. And, that applies to cannabis plants, too.
Whether you’re growing grass indoors or out, organically or not, or in a...
04/03/2017 01:55
It’s all about pain. Arthritis comes in many forms and affects many parts of your body. It is an auto-immune condition marked by pain, stiffness, inflammation, and stiffness. Just ask the 53 million adults and 300,000 children suffering from one or more of the 100 forms of the problem cited...
04/02/2017 10:21
The Drug Enforcement Administration takes billions of dollars in cash from people who are never charged with criminal activity, according to a report issued Wednesday by the Justice Department’s Inspector General.
Since 2007, the report found, the DEA has seized more than $4 billion in cash...
04/01/2017 14:41
Big Weed will have its day. But, right now, Big Pharma and Big Alcohol do their best to keep cannabis in its place.
It takes a lot of numbers to make the case, but if you bear with the analysis, you should agree that Big Alcohol wants to kill marijuana legislations among the...
03/31/2017 14:50
Which is the better experience? Eating or smoking your cannabis? “Better” is in the mind of the user, but the experiences are clearly different. They’ll both get you high in different ways, and there is no reason you cannot do both.
Old school stoners have trouble getting past smoking. They...
03/29/2017 08:46
When one thinks of the United States of America, these images and cities come to mind – the sunny weather of Los Angeles, the bustling streets of New York, the theme park extravaganza in Orlando, the sprawling views in San Francisco and the coffeehouse scene in Seattle. These are the popular and...
03/29/2017 08:20
Theme parks, shrines, local markets, tall and large structures – these are just some of the places that one usually goes to when taking time off in a new travel destination. What is often forgotten or left last on the list are places that make one closer to nature, specifically gardens. Walking...
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